Hand Held Radios

From RaftingGrandCanyon
Revision as of 09:53, 29 December 2022 by RiverRunnersForWilderness (talk | contribs) (Created page with "What about Hand Held Radios? Some river trips will bring small hand held radios to communicate from boat to boat. Other trips will not want to bring them at all. If your group brings handheld radios, they can be used when the group is spread out to coordinate head count and activities by radio. Remember, there are a number of areas where the river twists and turns, and hand held radio communication is limited. In stretches of the river that are open, if the group is...")
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What about Hand Held Radios?

Some river trips will bring small hand held radios to communicate from boat to boat. Other trips will not want to bring them at all. If your group brings handheld radios, they can be used when the group is spread out to coordinate head count and activities by radio.

Remember, there are a number of areas where the river twists and turns, and hand held radio communication is limited.

In stretches of the river that are open, if the group is spread out, the hand held radio can be used to coordinate head count and activities by radio.

Some trips that bring radios will use two whistle blasts to alert a raft that has a radio to turn it on.

IMG 7299 on river communication.jpg

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