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From RaftingGrandCanyon
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Rafting Grand Canyon is currently being migrated.


Three boats above House Rock.jpg

This is a peer-produced on-line guide to all aspects of planning, conducting and participating in a do-it-yourself journey on the Colorado River through Grand Canyon National Park.

To see what's here, click on any of the titles in the list of main headings on the left of this page.

The Table of Contents might be a good place to start. There's also a search function on the left side of this page as well.

You can participate in the writing of this guide! The Editorial board of this guide would like to hear from you. Logged in users can participate in the discussion. Please provide your experience/updates to any section of this guide. Your contributions may be added to the articles by the editorial staff. If you wish, you name will also be listed in the List of Co-Authors, if your suggestions are incorporated in this project. River Runners for Wilderness holds the copyright for this project.

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the WIKI software.

Have a question/comment/suggestion about this site and want to ask/tell someone about it? If so, please send an e-mail to any or all of the following folks:

Tom Martin

Jo Johnson

Tom Robey

PLEASE report broken links to the folks above. Thanks!

This resource is a free on-line service to the river running community from River Runners For Wilderness. You can check out the River Runners For Wilderness web site by clicking here.

On Facebook? Now you can ask other river runners about the river at the Facebook Group Rafting Grand Canyon!

This Rafting Grand Canyon WIKI is provided as a free service by River Runners For Wilderness ( to the whitewater boating community, to promote communication about the Grand Canyon river trip experience between whitewater enthusiasts. RRFW assumes no responsibility for the content of messages posted to and pages posted on this WIKI, and RRFW does not assume responsibility for river trips or other activities arranged through and with the use of this list.

Use of this WIKI, including setting up a user name and password, does not constitute membership in River Runners For Wilderness.

We at River Runners For Wilderness (RRFW) are working hard to make sure do-it-yourself river runners have a seat at the river access and resource protection table. You can join RRFW (Membership is Free!) by clicking here.

Did you find this all volunteer-built WIKI helpful? You can express your appreciation with a donation to the non-profit River Runners for Wilderness here! You can also email any of the folks above and simply say "Thank you! 07-2024