On-River Books

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Big Water read on Big water.jpg

This chapter includes information on River Guide books, Plant books, Geology books, etc.

Guide to the Colorado River through Grand Canyon Fifth Edition by Tom Martin and Duwain Whitis, Vishnu Temple Press/Rivermaps, May 2013. Buy this book at the RRFW on-line store.

GC Guide 5th edition.JPG

This River Guide is intended to go with the following hiking book:

Day Hikes from the River A Guide to 100 hikes from Camps along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Third Edition by Tom Martin, Vishnu Temple Press 2007. Buy this book at the RRFW on-line store.

Day Hikes 4th Edition.jpg

and the following history books:

Big Water Little Boats: Moulty Fulmer and the First Grand Canyon Dory on the Last of the Wild Colorado River by Tom Martin, Vishnu Temple Press, 2012 For more information please see Big Water Little Boats.

Big Water Little Boats.jpg

From Powell To Power: A Recounting of the First One Hundred River Runners Through the Grand Canyon by Otis Marston, Vishnu Temple Press, 2014. For more information see Vishnu Temple Press


Other books you may find helpful include:

Carving Grand Canyon:Evidence, Theories and Mystery by Wayne Ranney, Grand Canyon Association, 2001. Buy this book at the RRFW on-line store.

River to Rim by Nancy Brain, Earth Quest Press 1992.

The Colorado River Through Grand Canyon by Steve Carothers and Bryan Brown, University of Arizona Press, 1999.

River and Desert Plants of the Grand Canyon by Kristin Huisinga, Lori Makarick and Kate Watters, foreword by Ann Zwinger, Mountain Press Publishing Company, 2006. For a non-waterproof book, these are sturdy. I've seen one dunked during flips on two consecutive days and it dried just fine.

Click Colorado River in Grand Canyon Bird List to see a list of the birds you might see on a river trip through Grand Canyon.

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