Off-River Books

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This chapter includes information on detailed geology books, history books, etc.

Hijacking A River - A Political History of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon by Jeff Ingram, Vishnu Temple Press, 2003. This is the complete story of how Grand Canyon National Park was enlarged in 1975, how the river concessionaires successfully captured river boating access for motorized tour boats and blocked Wilderness Designation for the Park by 1980. To order, visit Vishnu Temple Press.

Over the Edge - Death in Grand Canyon by Michael P. Ghiglieri and Thomas M. Myers, Puma Press, 2001. More people die flying here than boating, and more people die peeing in the night on river trips than on the river.

I Am The Grand Canyon The Story of the Havasupai People by Stephen Hirst, Grand Canyon Association 2006. Note-this is an updated version of Life in a Narrow Place/People of the Blue Green Water.

Grand Obsession - Harvey Butchart and the Exploration of Grand Canyon by Thomas M. Myers and Elias Butler, recounts Dr. Butchart's 12,000 mile exploration of Grand Canyon by foot and air mattress.

The Action Guide to Resource Preservation is a 36 page booklet, available here as a free pdf download (4MB) put together by Grand Canyon National Park staff. From the introduction: "The purpose of the Action Guide is to provide information about important park resources, regulations, and operating requirements, and to share minimum impact camping techniques."

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